Wednesday, May 23, 2007

2 More Fires for Station 43

The last two Tuesdays have been quite eventful in the West End. On 5/15/07 Station 43 as dispatched with Station 42 and 39 for a kitchen fire in Indian Mountain Lakes. Crews arrived on scene and were able to keep the fire to the kitchen area. I wasn't at this one so I cant write much more about it.

On 5/22/07 Station 43 was dispatched to a reported fire on Valley View Drive. This call came in as members were cleaning up from a training session at the Fire School. 43-1-2 arrived on scene and the crew began an attack on the room and contents fire. The fire was held to a bed room with some extension into a living room area. There was smoke damage through out the house. Station 39 was added to the box and Station 23 went to set up a fill site. Crews cleared in about two hours.


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