Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Feedback I Received

I just received a comment to one of my posts from a few months back. It was of a fatal MVA that we responded to. Here is the Link: Post

Here is the comment I received:

Its been almost six months and I am now strong enough to address you..Mr Volunteer firefighter first of all,let me tell you something Mister. Do you really want to know what we all think about your site.I'll begin by first saying that I pray to the lord up above, that there arent any other volunteer firefighters as low as yourself. If you wanted so badly to be a journalist or a professional photographer for a slimeball no name newspaper, than you should of done so. If you think for one minute that what you are doing is a service to the public you are wrong. You are a poor excuse for a human being.You say all opinions are yours and whomever doesnt like them too bad. Did you ever experience the pain and suffering of losing a loved one? Especially to a horrific accident like this one...You have alot of nerve trying to gain glory and fame off of someones loss of a loved one. You are a sick individual..You are not a reporter, and aside from all of your facts being false and totally distasteful you had absolutelty no....permission from us family members to display these photos on your site..You mister volunteer firefighter did not even know at the time that you had these pictures on your site for the world to view..that the families who lost their loved ones where not even notified yet by the proper authorities that we had lost our loved ones.You make me sick. Does a sheet over a vehicle usually mean there is someone still in the vehicle that has passed away? Oh, but I know you dont care..but I sure do...so before you go around taking some more of your discussting and distasteful pictures and following up with your fabricated statements..you should find something more productive to do with your time, than cause extra and pain and suffering to the families who have lost their loved ones in this manner.I hope the next time you go to use your camera it doesnt work, and the rest of the world can be spared the pain caused by a jerk like you.

I am always looking for feedback whether positive or negative. I assume this person related to one of the people who died in this accident.

First off let me say that I do not know what this person is talking about regarding "fabricated statements" The only comment I made is that it "appeared" that one car crossed the center line. Further more you call me a "jerk" for putting these photos up here. While I am truly sorry for your families loss, this is what is going on in our community. I never claimed to be a reporter of any sort. Anyone of the dozens of "gawkers" that were at this crash could have taken photos and put them on the internet. I as a volunteer firefighter for "your" community. I leave my family when ever there is a call - I dont ask what color the person is, are they nice, whose fault is it, I just go, along with every other person on my department and for that matter every other fire and EMS worker in the country.

If anyone else wants to comment feel free. I look foward to hearing what everyone else has to say. Maybe I am a truly horrible person. But just remember this horrible person may be saving your life some day.

Here is another one I just received:

I did not force you to come to this site. You have chosen to come to this site thru a google or other search engine or been reffered to it by someone who has. If you did an internet search of other sites similar to mine you will find hundreds if not thousands of them out there. Again, I am sorry for your families loss. If you do not want me to respond to your home give me your address and I will stay at home with my family.

Here is some feedback I received from Joe at Firewhirl

I read your original post, all of the comments, and your response post.

I’m not sure that the person that sent you this comment really understands what your blog is about. I’m guessing that because this incident is very painful for them, they don’t see the positive side of posting these pictures. Here are my thoughts about your blog:

First, is can be used as a training tool for firefighters across the country. Seeing pictures from an incident and then reading about the events of the incident can reinforce good rescue/firefighting techniques. It can also point out the areas that they need to improve in so that they can accomplish their mission of saving lives and property while keeping their firefighters safe.

Second, it is a record of the incidents that your department responds to. The internet is allowing fire departments to quickly and efficiently put together a record of the incidents they respond to, including pictures from the scene, so that all members of the department have quick and easy access to those records.

Third, it can be used by the general public to see what types of incidents the fire department in their area responds to. This gives them a better understanding of what the fire department does and shows them what kind of training and equipment are required to respond effectively to these incidents. It also reinforces safety lessons with the public so that they don’t have these types of incidents themselves.

Lastly, it is a place where you can record your personal observations about a part of your life that is important to you. The great thing about the U.S. is that you are free to post your thoughts and pictures on your website without government interference.

Perhaps if the person understood these points, they may not be so angry with what you have posted.


At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 3:57 PM, Anonymous said...
be careful what you wish for there skippy, there are plenty of "reporters" out there with poor tase this guy is just taking pics of things that happen, there was no ID made no license numbers visible. I am sorry for your loss however keep your damn eye on the ball, if you want to place blame then put it on the person that caused the accident not the firefighters that come to help. i have been a volunteer firefighter for over 20 years and it's people like you that feel the need to place blame on folks who aren't responsible. What if every volunteer did not respond to calls and your township doubled or tripled your taxes to have a paid fire department you'd probably be the first moron on line to bitch. again I am soory for your loss but get over blaming people that didnt make it happen maybe you need grief counselling.

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should keep doing what you have been. I visit your site daily. What is the difference between this and the local news station or paper that is taking the same pictures and posting them? Except you take them firsthand, and supply first hand information. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and just like they are entitled to email you and complain, you are entitled to post whatever you want on here.

I for one like to know what is going on in the community. It's not like you are showing anything "distasteful", i've never seen any blood or anything graphic in your pictures. Anyone driving by the scence would see the same thing.. On another note, anyone driving by whereever they tow the wreaked car too will also see the same as what you have posted.

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its pretty disgraceful how people can come here and bitch about what we ( meaning sta. 43) take pictures of for training (to better improve our skills) and to let the public know what we have to deal with and go through on a regular basis....wake up people its public knowledge. Theres no difference if we do it and post it on the internet or if the newspaper or news channels post it, people are going to see it eventually reguardless of where it is and who does it...so if you feel the need to complain about petty stupid shit...go do it to somewho cares......if it wasnt for the volunteers like us there would be alot more dead people, alot more homeless people because their houses burned down and so on....i dont see you getting up at all hours of the day or night to go save someone that you have no clue who they are

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Mia said...

Yes, accidents were there are fatakities are always hard for the families. But the thing is that the general public only thinks about the people actually in the accident, not about us! We see the victims up close and are generally there when they die. We see them before they are cleaned up at either the hospital or the morgue. What about us and our emotions?

If yuo can use a search engine, you can find anything you want. If the accident caused them so much pain, why were they out searching for ino on it?

Keep posting the photos. As fire fighters we tend to be a little bit more sensitive than the media. And the way we learn is by looking at photos of what we have done or others have done. My chief has ordered me to take photos of every incident that I am on so that we have photo documentation if needed and so we can use them as training tools. I do put some of the photos up on my personal blog as well.

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in EMS and I too visit this site alot and think it is useful for training purposes. I see alot of these accidents first hand and the fatalities are never pleasant for anyone involved or those that witness them. That being said we do have to be respectful to those that have lost a family member in such a nasty way. I have been on both ends of the fence in this situation. Personally I think you could have waited a little longer to post the pictures so the family could have been notified, I know it was on this site I heard it first and I knew some of the people involved, Also you could have had a little tact and not posted the pics with the vitims in the car as everyone knows when its covered the victims are still there, posting the pics of the after math which might have been a better training tool to show the extent of damage to the vehicle and what it took to get the victims out would have been a little more respectful for the familys sake. While the EMS people and the Firefighters perform our services to help the people in our communities it is also our job to be respectful and compassionate to those that need those services and those that are inadvertly involved. While on any call the one thing that always sticks in the back of my mind is how I would feel if it was my family in this situation and act accordingly, I have been in this familys spot and it sure does hurt, so keep that in mind how you would feel if it was yours. If more people practiced this simple thing alot less people would be hurt and the victims or patients may have more respect and compassionate to those of us that do put ourselves in harms way or leave our own families to help others!

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all, how do any of you know how the family got this site? and if this is used as a training site,where is station's 35's 39's 8's 42's 41's 23's 28's 27's 26's is 43 the only station that needs this extra training? as for skippy and his little buddy giligan. I do call it poor taste when you can't even cover the entire windshield, that left the site of a child with a severely broken neck in plain site. I guess your eye wasn't on the damn ball uh skippy? I have GREAT RESPECT for those men and women in our county, and ever county that answer the call without hesitateion. and the bitchin. I even have family that work with emergency services, and NEVER ONCE did they complain the way some of you MORONS do. It's a wonder some of you guys are firefighters, with your attitude and Ingnorence. maybe you should stick your so called skills to putting out brush fires, and leave the most important emergency to the professionals at station 43. I passed this site on to some outher professionals, and they think the same way.face it guys, you droped the ball. If your object was sheet the vehicle to block the victims from view, well then I guss your right,you do need more skill. As for giligan, you sound like an asshole punk kid! how do you know what this family does day and night? and it's not stupid shit when a child is involved. SHITHEAD!!! look I saw the video on the news, and there was no sheet. the victims were removed. and what do you learn by takeing pictures of the vehicles with the victims still in the vehicle? I thought that was the coroners job to determine cause of death. If any of you have family,and i can see why some of you don't,you just can't imagine the tremendous trauma that you receive from the loss of a child. ask yousself, would you like to rember your child in that position?

At 1:05 PM, Blogger 43Firefighter said...

The sheet was placed on the car before any members of station 43 arrived. secondly no victims are visible what so ever in any of the pictures.

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there 43Firefighter. I will say two things.

1. Keep doing what you are doing. Everyone else is entitled to an opinion, just as you are.

2. Don't ever falter, unless you feel you are wrong. This is your site, your calls, your experiences.

No one will ever understand that when people die in wrecks, we are next to them. That we are there for their last breath. That while a victim might require a closed casket, we were the ones who had to deal with picking up the pieces. Lay people do not understand what we do or why we do it. We cannot expect them too either. The only thing we can do is educate.

Keep up the good work.

At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is for the asshole 3 posts above this. Thank you for calling us at station 43 professionals because then again thats what we are,considering we do the most training in monroe county. I think the only person that is bitching seems like you, if you have family that is envolved in EMS then i guess you should know what we do and go through...if your such a tuff guy, feel the need to bitch about the website and the things that we do to better improve on serving the public in saveing them and think you can do a better job then what we already do then why dont you transport your ass down to a fire house and join and show us some of the "skills" that you have or lack there of. It seems to me that the only skill you'll be able to show us is how much of a douche bag you are. Its asshole like you that make a bad word for the people like us that care do things for the community that we live in. With your attitude its a wonder your still living, and for the comment about covering the winshield with a sheet and needing more training. What would you suppose we do? We dont have to cover the patient, thats not what were there for. That job is for the coroners, we just take the courtisey to cover a victim or at times retards that a family just lost. So if you still feel the need to complain ill send you 35 cents so you can go call someone who gives a shit.


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